Sunday 8 April 2012


i am not a scientist...i have always waited for something called intuition,that an equation like e=mc2 will come to me...i have lived with a belief that a physicist have a spark of ideas like a genius,he is not an ordinary person,its just all about the beautiful mind that he have,which distinguishes him from ordinary goes like "when a scientist gazes up in the sky he sees something different,not only stars,but clusters of stars,which is galaxy with black hole in its centre...and something extraordinary like this",his thoughts are not ordinary and may be thats why he lives in 11th dimension!
now comes the explanation of feynman about how a 'law' is made:
1). first we make a guess. (this is something which shook me)
2). then we compute the consequences of the guess.....
3). if it disagrees with the expected result,its wrong....
the first point was sufficient for me to boost myself....strange! feynman also used to guess! their is nothing called like magic and he dint had intuition!!!its just about the so called "thinking process" in which he was involved since childhood and so at the dusk of his life he bacame the so called FEYNMAN! if an ordinary person is ready to devote a great deal of time in the subject matter,then he becomes a scientist! (these are the PROFOUND words of feynman)

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