Wednesday 11 January 2012


if someone wants your valuable comments (valuable coz u stand on their expectations) on something very personal to him,then you cant just say the reality just because u think u are straightforward,coz the moment someone ask u to comment it means he expects something positive from you......
now i am in DILEMMA, i have been to many situation like this when people seek my views just because i stand on their expectation and boost them up!
but their have been situations when people doubt me by saying "you are diplomatic and cunning"...and hence the dilemma....i know people back stabb and defame me just to boost personal image,but its does not frighten me,in turn it gives me a confidence that they  cant speak in front of me and that they feel insecurity from me!!
LISTEN BROTHER,i never went to u (sorry if it seems like i am passing some cheap shots) and started blabbering the goody goods,u came to me with some goody good expectations and so i supported u at that moment,if it would have been opposite u could have coined words like "i am jealous","attitude" bla bla to me.....??
WHAT U WANT BROTHER??seriously "I DO NOT UNDERSTAND" mother was correct when she said to me "U CANT EXPECT  THE WHOLE WORLD TO THINK THIS WAY"....
i know people do back stabbing and defame  just to boost personal image,but its does not frighten me,in turn it gives me a confidence that they  cant speak in front of me and that they feel insecurity from me!!ITS BETTER TO TAKE A BULLET ON CHEST THAN TO HAVE IT ON BACK,they wont get it!..
its not my problem,its not your problem,its their problem....and now u can ask "whome u are referring to by calling "THEIR"???


  1. well said.. much needed words..
    opinions are subjected to differ at places and with people !
    it is weird to expect everyone to flow in our way !DEEPAK

  2. may be that's your way of looking at the thing... but i have had pretty good friend on the way.. and sometimes when they expect comments from me, they want it coz they want to know how well they are doing... coz being my good friends they know they can jump the formal space with me..
    there are different ways of looking at the same thing... no doubt u seriously need to go through Einstein's relativity :D:D

  3. @chitro...;)....ya i should have added this,but unfortunately most(not all,is it fine) of the people in my life dont want my opinion to know their exact status...well i have switched over to feynman..:P
