Monday, 23 May 2011


How you feel when you do something unexpected beyond your scope!actually we don’t have a proper word to express that feel…it will be injustice if we use one word among them (joy,pride,honoured) to express it!!!!!!!
i am in class 11,IIT maths coaching class is going on and teacher is busy in solving a problem along with toppers from last 30 minutes and being a part of ordinary public I am busy with my friends in discussing (you know!!!!)…..but suddenly you realise that you are here to study and you get back to the class and a sudden electric signals startles your brain..... and "I GOT IT,SO SIMPLE WHY SIR IS GIVING SO MUCH IMPORTANCE TO THIS QUESTION?that might be because he would be cautious about not to violate any law while solving, unlike me!"
Sir can I contribute something?
"sir I think I got it"?
OK..OK...OK..ALL RIGHT...."Good work"
Believe me I cant say from where this good work came without informing?????similarly when you crack a problem ‘challenged indirectly by your teacher with a cunning smile’,without touching pen….i don’t know how to express that feel,words would definitely fall short,but 1 thing "you feel like king OF THAT MOMENT"……
WELL WELL!!!!!!!!!What I feel is that this is what we call 'intuition', and now I am clear "WHY RAMANUJAN WAS CALLED PRINCE OF INTUITION"

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